Disease Detectives Wiki

Welcome to the Disease Detectives Wiki[]

Disease Detectives study Epidemiology as part of 2012 - 2013 Science Olympiad. This wiki will be used by students while learning about epidemiology.

Do your own research too. Good sites for this kind of information include:

Public health agencies such as US Centers for Disease Control, US Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization (WHO) and Public Health Agency of Canada's Buffet Busters , the game; Medical publications such as The Lancet, Medical Journal; and university sites such as: Rice University, Infectious Diseases Adventure Game and Columbia University, Epiville Simulation and University of Minnesota, Outbreak at Watersedge Simulation; Books such as: Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Johan Giesecke; even a YouTube 10 minute talk on Ghost Maps; 1918 Influenza Epidemic ;

NEW: CDC - Solve Outbreak app for iPad : http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2013/p0220_ipad_app.html

Describe your topic[]

Epidemiology studies health of populations instead of individual health by using the scientific method - 10 step method of investigating outbreaks. Both the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations are studied with the intent to attempt to prevent and control these diseases. The types of health related events addressed in epidemiology studies include:

  • chronic diseases
  • environmental problems
  • behavioral problems
  • injuries
  • infectious diseases

2012 focus on food borne illnesses 2013 focus Environmental Health

Credit for majority of content goes to Karen L. Lancour, National Committee Chairman - Life Science as presented in 2012 Training Handout.

and author Johan Giesecke, Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology for definitions.

Latest activity[]
